Delete webhook

DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId}

This endpoint modify an existing webhook. It returns the webhook object.

Path parameters

  • webhookId string Required

    Specify the ID of the webhook to delete.


  • 200 application/json


    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
  • Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.

  • Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.

  • Forbidden -- The object requested is hidden for administrators only.

  • Not Found -- The specified object could not be found.

  • Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many objects! Slow down!

  • Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.

  • Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId}
curl \
 -X DELETE{webhookId}
Response examples (200)
  "id": "eqQkPdnqwN7J38QEx",
  "deleted": true